Shared Library Projects

Creating a shared library project is similar to creating an application project. However, in the New Project wizard:

  • In the second page of the wizard, select Shared Library for the Project output setting.
  • In the third page of the wizard, select Shared Library Starter. For 68K shared libraries, this ensures that the DEF file gets created; for Palm OS Protein shared libraries, this ensures that the SLD file gets created.

When you create a project that uses a shared library, you define your shared library's project as a Project Reference for your application.

Importing Files into a Project

If you have existing C/C++ application code, you can create a new project and import your code into the project. Developer Suite uses the Workbench's import support to allow you to add files to a project. This means that you can add files to a project by:

  • dragging and dropping from the file system into the Navigator view, or
  • copying and pasting from the file system into the Navigator view, or
  • using the Import wizard.

The Palm OS C/C++ Development perspective inherits the Workbench-implemented support for importing existing projects, files from the file system, team project sets, and zip files. The Palm OS C/C++ Development perspective adds a wizard for importing Palm OS resource files.

Importing 68K Source Files ^TOP^

Importing source code from either CodeWarrior projects or from PRC-Tools is relatively straightforward.

Figure 2.9  Import Wizard

Figure 2.10  File system Import

  • Click Browse to select the folder where the existing application source files are located. Click the check boxes to select which files you want to import.
  • Review the Import Options. For most projects, the default option Create selected folders only shown be correct.

Do not import any resource files or resource definition files; follow the instructions in section "Importing Palm OS Resource Files" for these types of files.